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Christopher's Windy City Weblog

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Finding a Focus

I've applied to over 45 different jobs since I quit my teaching gig in March. That's a lot of resumes, a lot of cover letters, a lot of self-examination. Some of those jobs were teaching positions, but most of them were either writing or editing positions, because, the more I thought about what I really wanted to do with my time, my energy, my life, I realized that I wanted to WRITE. I got into teaching because I love to write. It has recently occured to me that that's like becoming a mechanic because you want to be a racecar driver.

So, while I'm not completely dismissing the idea of teaching at a high school again (I spent two years and several thousand dollars on a teaching certificate, after all) I have been focusing more these days on writing--and reading--than anything else.

To that end, I've decided to focus my blogging efforts, too, with at least one new blog: SJ Reading, in which I write about the things I've read or am reading--a poor blogger's literature review. I expect SJ Writing will soon follow, once I start having more things to report about my own writing efforts. If you're a fan of this blog, don't worry: it has served me well, and I don't plan on retiring it any time soon.


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