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Christopher's Windy City Weblog

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Teaching on the South Side: Winter Break at Last

I have been remiss in my postings—even tardy, truant, and just plain lazy. As a reader, I would be shocked and dismayed that one of my favorite web loggers (and I'm sure one of yours, too) hasn't posted anything since—October 26?!?!?! I would want that author dragged into the street, beaten savagely, shot, drawn and quartered, and his remains posted high above the town gates as a warning to all who would dare keep a breathless audience waiting over two months for another scintillating symphony of sentences such as these.

Of course, such rash action would rather defeat the purpose of getting said author to produce any more coruscating compositions, so let’s just settle for metaphoric self-flagellation, shall we? I will consider myself chastened, and you can all enjoy the bevy of belated essays that, in my guilt (and/or desire to put off getting back to school work for as long as possible) I am going to crank out over the next few days—maybe even hours!

I will, however, keep in mind my originally-suggested punishment, as a warning to myself of what happens to writers who fail to produce for their ravenous audiences. (About the only worse punishment I can think of would consist of being forced to watch, Clockwork Orange-style, hour upon hour of reality television—the thought alone gives me goosebumps. I am penitent. It won’t happen again. Much).

As the title of this posting (not to mention the date, I’m sure) indicates, I have made it to the first major oasis of the school year—Winter Break! (Of course, everyone at school still calls it Christmas Break, but I’ll deal with that morass of political incorrectness in another post—maybe the very next one!)

No, the point if this post isn’t going to be how irksome I find the narrow holiday appellation of “Christmas Break” (not to mention the very non-inclusive holiday atmosphere around school). The point of this posting is simple—I survived! I survived the first three-and-a-half-months of the school year!

I survived.

Now for the rest of the school year.


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