Re-crossing a Metaphorical Styx
I thought it necessary to begin that way because, as I have discovered after these many, many, months of not posting to this blog, I have a fan base. A tiny fan base made up mostly of my immediate family and a few close friends, but it’s a start. And, like fans everywhere, these people want to know when I’m going to start writing again, specifically, when I’m going to start writing in this blog again. Apparently, some of them need one more thing to distract them at work.
Therefore: I’m alive. And since I have realized that I am, indeed, alive, and have spent the past several months getting used to that idea, I now find that every so often I have something to say, or, more to the point, write. However, since I am a world-class procrastinator (having been given the rank of “Expert” by the World Procrastinator’s Society; or, at least, I will be given that rank when they finally get around to forming said society), I can always find a reason and/ or a way to put off writing. But if I can motivate myself to wake up at 5 a.m. every morning to do yoga and tai chi before going to work, if I can motivate myself to stay awake while proofreading what seems to be the same math textbook over and over and over again for up to eight hours a day, and if—most amazingly—I can motivate myself to run a little over three miles when I get home from work, if I can find the motivation to do all of these things, surely I can find the motivation to write.
And now, having used up my writerly motivation for the day, I will close this post, pick up my copy of Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States, and read for about 30 minutes before falling asleep. I wrote much more than this, but it’s in terribly rough shape, and I don’t have time to clean it up and make it presentable, as I have a 5 a.m. date with the Yang style short tai chi form, but rest assured, fans: more is coming.
Yay! A new post! :-D So glad you are alive. I can finally step dredging Lake Michigan for your body. Man, that water is COLD! And my hands and feet are probably pruned for eternity. But, so glad you are alive and writing again.
Anonymous, at 1:29 PM
Cousin Chris, I'm glad that you are alive, and writting in your blog again. Your last blog entree was back in 06,
You make me want start writing in my blog again. my last entree was in May.
Anonymous, at 12:38 AM
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