Classy Rejection
You're the fantastic writer, but I'm the one who must now do some tricky but heartfelt communicating.
First off, you have our deepest thanks for the time you invested in our Reading Comprehension audition. Our projects can be complex and unusual, so they often call for an audition that is likewise. But you were quite up to the task. We knew your material would be strong and you didn't disappoint. You are a writer we like.
The bad news is that we didn't have room on this project for everyone we like, and we’re unable to offer you a position with us at this time.
The good news (at least, I hope you'll think so) is that you'll very likely hear from us again. Now we've had the pleasure of meeting you, and seeing how well you do with our specific kind of writing. That makes it much easier for us to call you for future projects. We hope we can find a better match for you soon, and we’re currently in the contract stage for a lot more work that you’ll hopefully see as right up your alley.
Thanks again for coming in to meet me and creating such a great audition. I wish you the best of luck, and hope we'll be talking again soon.
As rejection letters go, I don't think I've ever received a classier one.
To read my audition, click here.